Radical media, politics and culture.

"Mistaken Identity: Sikhs in America"

Viva writes:

"Mistaken Identity: Sikhs in America"

Winner of three first prize awards at documentary film festivals "Mistaken Identity: Sikhs in America" is a 9/11 story of the racial profiling, verbal abuse and physical assaults and killing on American Sikhs. Mistaken for terrorists because of the turban and beard, which they wear for religious reasons, Sikhs are being shot and killed to date.

Film was produced by two non-Sikh women, 22-year old Amanda Gesine who hosted and initiated the idea one week after 9/11. She never had a Sikh friend in school or college, and felt that racial profiling was due to "ignorance and fear."

Check out websites: www.cultural-diversity.biz.co.uk, www.mistakenidentity.tv; and www.mi-sia.com where you can review 3 min of film on streaming video and buy VHS/DVD via Pay Pal.