Radical media, politics and culture.

html lessons

(thanks Angela ...)

* Note to self: added spaces between the ** Note to self: gonna need to review these and practice a bit, in order to remember. this is how you add a link: OPENBRACKET a href = "http://blah_url.htm" CLOSE BRACKET Some text here OPENBRACKET / a CLOSEBRACKET And here is how you distinguish paragraphs. OPENBRACKET p CLOSEBRACKET Blah blah paragraph. Blah blah OPENBRACKET / p CLOSEBRACKET OPENBRACKET p >This is a new blah paragraph because it has it's own opening and closing paragraph tags. OPENBRACKET / p CLOSEBRACKET Remember to check that the html option (rather than text option) in the box below journal entries. Remember to include opening OPENBRACKET CLOSEBRACKET AND closing tags OPENBRACKET/ CLOSEBRACKET, and remember to make sure that there are double quote marks around the url, and it'll all work fine."