Radical media, politics and culture.

Sixth Annual Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, May 21-22, 2005

Sixth Annual Montreal Anarchist Bookfair

May 21-22, 2005

Callout for Workshops and Presentations at
Montreal's Anarchist Bookfair (May 21, 2005)
and Day of Workshops (May 22, 2005)

Deadline for proposals is February 15, 2005!

The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair collective is currently planning the next
Anarchist Bookfair (our sixth in a row!). This year's bookfair will take
place on Saturday, May 21, 2005, to be followed on Sunday, May 22, 2005 by
a full day of anarchist-themed presentations, panels, debates and
workshops. We will return to the same venue as last year: The CEDA Adult
Education Center at 2515 Delisle (near Lionel Groulx metro) in the Little
Burgundy neighborhood, just west of downtown Montreal.Last year, the bookfair collective received more than forty workshop
proposals, of which we could only accept twenty-one (due to space
limitations). We invite you to send your proposals again this year,
keeping in mind the following guidelines:

* Proposals for the Day of Workshops (Sunday) should address an
anarchist-themed topic in some depth, and should be intended for people
who are already familiar with anarchism, or might identify as anarchists.
The collective will accept between 10 to 15 workshops.

* Workshop proposals for the bookfair day (Saturday) should be
introductory workshops to anarchism, or an aspect of anarchism, and should
be aimed at people who are curious about, or new to, anarchist ideas.
These workshops should be accessible to non-anarchists. The collective
will accept 6 introductory workshops.

* Workshops can be proposed to take place in French, English or another
language, but the bookfair collective will ensure that at least half of
all workshops are in French-only. The bookfair collective will organize
whisper translation into English and French for all workshops.

* The bookfair collective will strive to have at least one-half of all
workshops presented by people who identify as women.

* The bookfair collective especially encourages workshop proposals by
individuals who identify as women, indigenous, people of colour, working
class, poor, people with disabilities, trans and/or queer.

* Please consult the bookfair principles, which guide the organizing of
the bookfair as an event, including workshop selection. The principles are
available here.

* We have also included below the workshops that have been accepted in the
previous three years. We indicate these topics to provide individuals
proposing workshops with an idea of the kinds of workshops that have been
accepted in the past (and might be accepted again) and to indicate the
workshop topics that have yet to be proposed for consideration by the

IF YOU ARE MAKING A WORKSHOP PROPOSAL, please do the following:

* Submit your proposal in writing, either in French or English, by e-mail
or by post (contact information below). The strict deadline for proposals
is February 15, 2005.

* Provide a title for your workshop. Please choose a title that is

* Please provide a short (one to two paragraphs) description of your

* Please provide a one-line description of the individual or group
presenting the workshop. If you are proposing a panel, please provide a
one-line biography for each participant.

* Please provide a longer description -- as long as you need -- to
describe your proposal. This longer description will be read by the
bookfair collective to help us decide which proposals to accept.

* Please indicate any audio-visual or space needs in your proposal.

* Please indicate if your attendance is contingent on funding. Our funding
is very limited, but in the past, on rare occasions, we have considered
funding out-of-town speakers, in certain cases.

* Please provide a contact e-mail AND phone number.

Keep in mind that your title, short workshop description and one-line
biography will be used for publicity purposes if your workshop is chosen,
so please provide clear and explanatory descriptions. Keep in mind too
that workshops can be no longer than 1 hour and 50 minutes.

The DEADLINE for all workshop proposals is: February 15, 2005 (no

Proposals should be sent by e-mail to: anarchistbookfair@taktic.org.

Alternatively, proposals can be mailed to:
Montreal Anarchist Bookfair

2033, St-Laurent Boulevard
Montreal, Quebec H2X 2T3
proposals must be post-marked by February 15, 2005 or before).

Previous Workshop and Presentation Topics (2002-2004):


- The ABCs of Anarchism

- Demystifying Anarchy and Anarchism

- Introduction to Anarcho-communism

- Introduction to Anarchism

- Eco/Green Anarchism

- Class Struggle Today

- An Anarchist Perspective on the Cityscape as Resistance

- Anarchism, National Liberation (sic), Anti-colonialism and Identity

- Mexican Rebellion

- Anarchism or Direct Democracy?

- Queer Anarchism

- Sustaining Urban Anarchist Spaces: Why is it so fucking so hard?

- The Personal is the Political ... Even Among Activists!

- Anti-colonial Organizing from an Indigenous Perspective

- Anarchy, War and Globalization

- Panel: The Housing Crisis in Montreal

- Legal Self-defence


- Introduction to Anarcho-communism

- The History of Anarchism in Quebec

- The Anarchist Tradition

- Introduction to Anarchism and the Anarchist Federation of France

- Anarchism in Mexico

- The Anarchist 80s

- Prisons, Prisoners and Class War

- An Anarchist Analysis of the Black Panther Party (BPP) and its Practical
Implications for Today;

- No One is Illegal: Confronting War, Capitalism and Apartheid

- Anti-fascism and Anti-nationalism

- Popular Education as Liberatory Pedagogy

- Anarchy and Technology

- Self-management: From Ideal to Practice

- Transfolk and Anarchist Community

- Destroying the Heterosexist Empire: History, Resistance and

- Guerilla Communications

- Revolutionary Theatre, Culture Jamming and Theatrical Activism

- Slide Presentation: Art and Politics Mix Beautifully

- Building Your Own Radio Station: FM Transmitter Building;
- Anarchist
Ideals in Practice: Two Examples

- Panel: Anti-authoritarians Participating in Grassroots Social Struggles


- The History of Anarchism in Quebec

- An Introduction to Anarchism and its Aspirations

- Introduction to the History of Anarchists in Revolutions

- Demanding the Impossible: The Theory, Practice and Relevance of

- Anarchism and De-schooling: Getting Society out of School

- Earth and Freedom: The Eco-Anarchist Perspective

- Affinity Groups: A Method of Anarchist Action

- Daniel Guerin: A Century of Struggle

- Panel: Solidarity Across Borders: Autonomous Organizing against Canadian

- Anarcho-Surrealism in Canada

- Anarchism and Traditional Iroquois Culture

- The Anarchist Press in Quebec (1976-2001)

- Bringing Down the Prison Industrial Complex

- Anarchists Radicalizing Their Workplace

- Anarchy in Practice: Confronting Borders, States and Apartheid

- (Anti-)Capitalist Globalization

- Anarchist Workers' Cooperatives And Revolutionary Propaganda

- Panel: Anarchists in the Social Movements Against Charest

- Anarchist People of Colour Discussion and Strategy Workshop

- Security Culture 101

- Self-determination versus the Nation-state