Radical media, politics and culture.

"Revolution: USA" — An Interactive Political Art Project

NomIg writes

"Revolution: USA"

A Coldcut/NomIg Project

Revolution USA is an online, multimedia political art project put together by Coldcut and collaborators NomIg. Using samples of the last 40 years of American presidents and media figures, we have created an online Archive of Political Corruption and Scandals.

This site features an interactive timeline of major US political scandals and corruption with an integrated database containing: pertinent video clips and samples for download and streaming; pictures; a textual description of each event and offsite links for further research. The site contains hundreds of clips of US politicians in ‘awkward’ moments and other relevant footage, free audio loops and tracks created by Coldcut which are available for download (currently totaling over 13GBs).The aim is to build a digital library detailing the blatant corruption of the US political landscape in order to evoke social change through audience participation.

We are inviting all artists to access the site, download the materials and create cut-up a/v tracks and documentaries using the footage, the audio clips and whatever else you can get your hands on. This allows for a new intersection between artist and audience where the worlds of the filmmaker and the viewer merge into a single act. The works will then be hosted on the site and made available as streaming media for the world to watch. Users of the site will then be able to vote for what they think are the best works and the winners will be announced. The end result is an intersection between the worlds of documentary, interactive film making and web interactivity and programming.

For more information and to see the current crop of remixes (including a must-see by TV Sheriff): www.revusa.net or contact revolution@nomig.net.