Radical media, politics and culture.

Scandinavian Exhibition on American Activist Art

carter writes:

Scandinavian Exhibition on American Activist Art

After spending one month in Vancouver, B.C., working with Adbusters I came to New York yesterday. I am curating an exhibition with the name "America vs. America". We want to give activists and artists a medium to speak to an audience of 7 cities in Scandinavia during spring and summer of 2005. The process of this fall's work and the response we get on the exhibition in Scandinavia will be put together into a documentary film. The idea is to try and create contacts across the Atlantic and to show the Scandinavian people a little bit of what the grassroots in the US are doing. We do this because we know that not all americans are stupid, ignorant, lazy Hollywood-plastics who vote for Bush and think that war is a good thing for democracy — many people in Europe and Scandinavia do think that way though.In other words, this is a call out to anyone who wants to tell their story, show their art or participate in any other way in this project. Please don't hesitate to send me a mail to: christoph@konstplikt.com.

I´m going to work at the ABC No Rio during the month so this is where I can be reached. The web-page for the exhibition (www.americavsamerica.org) will be up a.s.a.p.

Thank you.
