Radical media, politics and culture.

Blacked-Out Media Seeks Radical Video

Submit to Blacked-Out Media

A project of the New York City Indymedia Video Collective, Blacked-Out Media is a 28-minute weekly television series that provides alternative news media and is an experimental showcase for creative video works that reject the homogeneity of mainstream media and culture as a whole. The show is divided into projects that cover a range of themes and tactical forms that as a whole, fit into a documentary news-based structure. Each project is organized by show producers or working groups that take responsibility for curating works that fit in the larger structure.Blacked-Out Media appears weekly on the Manhattan Neighborhood Network (www.mnn.org) at 9:30 PM every Saturday and is making its national premiere on Free Speech TV on May 31, 2004 at 6 PM Eastern time. Free Speech TV is available in over 11 million U.S. homes — airing 24 hours a day on DISH Network Channel 9415 and part-time on 88 community access cable stations in 23 states.

The NYC Indymedia Video Collective is currently seeking submissions for Blacked-Out Media. Submissions should be no longer than ten minutes in length and should serve as a socially/politically conscious mini-documentary.

If you are interested in submitting a segment for Blacked-Out Media or volunteering with the NYC Indymedia Video Collective, e-mail mediablitz@riseup.net or call 212-684-8112.

Send Segments to:

NYC Indymedia Video

34 E. 29th St., 2nd Floor

New York, NY 1001