Radical media, politics and culture.

Anarcha People's History Project, Summer Tour Schedule

Anarcha People's History Project
2004 Summer Tour Schedule

The Anarcha Project is a people's history project that
seeks to increase women + trans' voices in our current media and for the
historical record. The Project, when complete, will consist of a book
comprised of selected interviews, a video archive of all the interviews
and the website, which will include audio portions of some interviews.

The Anarcha Project is hitting the road again, this time around the
NorthEast/eastern plains. I would love to come to your community and
talk to anarchist and antiauthoritarian people (mostly women and trans
folks, although this definition is not set in stone). I have interviewed
people from all over the west coast, the southwest and in a bit of the
mid-southern US.I will be departing for the interviews on July 14th and the tentative
schedule is as follows. These times will change if folks from small
nearby towns contact me and if some cities turn out to have more
response than others. If I am missing a major anarchist community,
please let me know. I am an Arizona girl — not so familiar with these
opposite-corner-of the-country scenes.

Please contact me and suggest yourself or others at

Washington, DC/Baltimore - June 14th - 17th

Philadelphia - June 18th - 20th

New York - June 21st - 25th

Hartford - June 26th - 27th

Providence - June 28 - 29

Boston - June 30 - July 2nd

Machias, Maine - July 3rd - 5th

Manchester - July 6th - 7th

Bethel - July 8th

Montpelier - July 9th - 10th

Syracuse - July 11th - 12th

Buffalo - July 13th - 14th

Pittsburgh - July 15th - 16th

Morgantown - July 17th

Cleveland - July 18th - 20th

Columbus - July 21st - July 23rd

Detroit - July 24th - July 25th

Ann Arbor - July 26th

Chicago - July 27th - 29th

Madison - July 30th - 31st

Minneapolis - August 1st- 2nd

Sioux Falls - Aug. 3rd - 4th

Omaha - Aug. 5th - 6th

Kansas City - Aug. 7th - 8th

Lawrence - Aug. 9th - 10th

Wichita - Aug. 11th - 12th

St. Louis - Aug. 13th - 14th

Indianapolis - Aug. 15th - 16th

Cincinnati - Aug. 17th - 18th

Greenville - Aug. 19th
