Radical media, politics and culture.

A series of actions + events against borders (Australia)

cy writes "http://flotilla2004.com/

Over 350 people on the boat now known as SIEV X died trying to seek a better life. Countless others have drowned or gone missing in similar circumstances; thousands more have been interned in Australia's camps. The lives of those who are not citizens have been declared without value.

Up until now, those fleeing in boats have been met with military force, slander and the terrible cynicism of electoral rivalry. A new and shifting atlas of excisions and offshore penal colonies has been manufactured to circumvent the search for a better life.

In Australia, an asylum policy remains as fiction. In reality, the movements of people as something other than things for The Economy has been banned. We are all, with different degrees of violence, governed by this restriction on our lives and therefore in solidarity with those who, courageously and with hope, risk everything for freedom.

And so, those who are confined in Australia's concentration camps have put the question of 'freedom or death' starkly before us. It is necessary for the rest of us to make the voyage beyond symbolic indignation and act. It is possible and necessary to refuse the monopoly of governments over action, space and the valuing of lives.

This voyage of this Flotilla recalls the old law of the sea - which obliges us to give assistance to anyone in peril, without regard for flags - and seeks to open a multitude of flows toward a new world for which maps are yet to be created.

Therefore, the Flotilla will use a diversity of tactics: boats converging to Australia's north in mid-2004 crewed by autonomous affinity groups; media streams and online protests; radio waves and OpenFlow events.

Everyone is invited to make the voyage in their own way.