Radical media, politics and culture.

Software Freedom Day Online, August 28, 2004

Software Freedom Day Online, August 28, 2004

The first annual Software Freedom Day will be held on August 28, 2004.
The Software Freedom Day initiative intends to make the world aware of
the existence, availability, and high quality of Free/Open Source
Software (FOSS), and to encourage its use by as many people as
possible. It will be a global grassroots marketing campaign in which
we are inviting volunteers from around the world to participate.We
intend to give away informational fliers and CDs with selected FOSS,
such as TheOpenCD or Knoppix, in public places on SFD. It will be up
to the individual teams to chose how they wish to organize the PR
effort locally, but we will assist with bulk production of posters, T-
shirts, CDs and whatever else will be required. We will be asking for
Sponsors to donate money and material goods and services to our
effort, and will be inviting FOSS advocacy groups around the world to
become our partners in this event. We hope you will join us too! Click
here (http://softwarefreedomday.org/staticpages/index.php?
page=HowToHelp) to read how you can get involved.

How to Help

We need help both at the local level with practical things and
organizing the project centrally. We need people to donate their time
and energy and sponsors to donate material help. More specifically we

Local Teams

Local teams will plan their own ways of celebrating SFD, including
booking venues, contacting speakers, organizing tables in public
places, etc. Be creative!

Teams will usually be organizations such as LUGs or other FOSS groups,
but they may also simply be composed of individuals in an area.
The teams should make estimates about how many CDs and fliers they
will be able to distribute, and send this information to SFD so we can
plan the production.

To become a team: check our forum to see whether there is already a
team in your area that you can join. If there are enough volunteers
around, you may form an additional team anyway. Please announce your
intention to form a team in our forum, so that others can find you and
join up. That's it! You may then use the facilities of this website
such as the forum or your own mailing list to organize yourselves.

Central SFD Members

Central SFD volunteers help with the needs of the central SFD
organization. This will include preparing materials such as logos,
posters, CD covers, and pamphlets. Good ideas are always welcome! We
will also need help with liaising with sponsors, speakers, the press
and local teams.

If you want to become an active member, either contact us and state
your interests and skill, or simply start making useful contributions
where appropriate online.


Sponsors are individuals and organizations that donate money, material
goods, and/or services to SFD.

This includes help with covering the costs of production materials
like CDs, posters, and T-shirts, or operational costs such as booking
venues, renting or equipment, or reimbursing travel expenses for
speakers, etc.

To become a sponsor either contact a local team to sponsor them, or
contact SFD if you're interested in becoming a global sponsor.

As an organization, we are also interested in close links with other
groups in the FOSS community. This generally includes partnerships
with non-profit organizations, sponsorship deals, or even less formal
links with FOSS companies.