Radical media, politics and culture.

Wild/Front Weekend Planned for European Anti-Authoritarian Eco-Activists

Wild/Front Weekend

October 26-28, 2002 Netherlands/Belgium

In the last weekend of October anti-authoritarian eco-activists from
Belgium, Holland and around will gather. On the programme:

— Practical workshops: squatting, first aid, de-arresting, climbing,
writing press statements, herbal medicine...

— What's happening in Bruxelles, against the primate torture centre
BPRC, with the anti-road site in Brugge...

— Issue workshops on infrastructure projects in different countries

— Discussion on the alternatives for capitalist mobility policies.

— Introduction on GroenFront! (Green Front, Netherlands), Wildgroei
(Wild Growth, Belgium), infostands from other anti-authoritarian
groups in the region.

— Bands, forest walks & disco.

Workshops are open for new and less action-experienced people.
English translation / discussion available on request.

The location is not made public yet. Leave a voice message at 0031 84
8666018, email weekend@groenfront.nl or write to po box 85069, 3508
AB Utrecht, Netherlands.

The weekend is not open to journalists.

Please try to find a babysit for your dog.

Costs are only a pay-if-possible donation for food.

Vrienden van GroenFront! | EarthFirst! Netherlands Support Group

No Compromise in Defense of Mother Earth!


mailto:vrienden@groenfront.nl (PGPkey on site)

PO BOX 85069 3508 AB Utrecht Netherlands

Giro 4370351 tnv Steungroep NVDA te Utrecht ovv GroenFront!