Radical media, politics and culture.

"New Formulation" Vol. 2, #2 Now Available

The New Formulation

Volume Two, Number Two -- Winter Spring 2004

Contents include (see below):* Power, Subjectivity, Resistance: Three Works on
Postmodern Anarchism by Michael Glavin
Review of From Bakunin to Lacan: Anti-Authoritarianism
and the Dislocation of Power by Saul Newman, The
Political Philosophy of Poststructuralist Anarchism by
Todd May, and Postmodern Anarchism by Lewis Call

Social Control, Repression, and the Role of the State:
Controlling Radical Movements by Luis Fernandez
Review of Talking Liberties: Prison, Policing, and
Surveillance in an Age of Crisis by Christian Parenti,
In a Pig’s Eye: Reflections on the Police State,
Repression, and Native America by Ward Churchill, and
Visions of Social Control: Crime, Punishment, and
Classification by Stanley Cohen

* Breaking the Law: Anti-authoritarian Visions of
Crime and Justice by Randall Amster
Review of Restorative Justice: Healing the Foundations
of Our Everyday Lives by Dennis Sullivan and Larry
Tifft and The Struggle to be Human: Crime,
Criminology, and Anarchism by Larry Tifft and Dennis

* Appropriating “Another World” by Sureyyya Evren
Review of The Anti-Capitalism Reader: Imagining a
Geography of Opposition by Joel Schalit (editor),
Another World is Possible: Globalization and
Anti-Capitalism by David McNally, and From ACT UP to
the WTO: Urban Protest and Community Building in the
Era of Globalization by Benjamin Shepard and Ronald
Hayduk (editors)

* New Argentine Social Movements: Logic and History by
Fernando López
Review of La hipótesis 891. Más allá de los Piquetes
(Hypothesis 891: Beyond the Pickets) by Colectivo
Situaciones and MTD de Solano and Genealogía de la
Revuelta: Argentina, la sociedad en movimiento
(Genealogy of the Revolt: Argentina, Society in
Movement) by Raúl Zibechi

* Toward an American Revolutionary Praxis by
Review of How the Irish Became White by Noel Ignatiev,
Race Traitor by Noel Ignatiev and John Garvey
(editors), and The Lesson of The Hour: Wendell
Phillips on Abolition and Strategy by Noel Ignatiev

* The Revolution Will Not be Engineered: Community
Planning, Rationality, and the Quest for Utopia by
Stevphen Shukaitis
Review of Sustainable Communities: The Potential for
Eco-Neighborhoods by Hugh Barton (editor) and Seeing
Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human
Condition Have Failed by James C. Scott

* Participatory Economics: A Theoretical Alternative
to Capitalism by Geert Dhondt
Review of Parecon: Life After Capitalism by Michael
Albert, Thinking Forward: Learning to Conceptualize
Economic Vision by Michael Albert, and Moving Forward:
Program for a Participatory Economy by Michael Albert

* Market Socialist Delusions of Fair and Just Markets
by Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro
Review of On the Political Economy of Market
Socialism: Essays and Analyses by James A. Yunker and
Market Socialism: The Debate among Socialists by
Bertell Ollman (editor)

* Liberatory Art and Authentic Collaboration by Kai
Review of One Place After Another: Site Specific Art
and Locational Identity by Miwon Kwon and Art on the
Line: Essays by Artists about the Point Where Their
Art and Activism Intersect by Jack Hirschman (editor)

* The Legacy of the Lodges: Mutual Aid and Consumer
Society by Eric Laursen
Review of From Mutual Aid to Welfare State: Fraternal
Societies and Social Services, 1890-1967 by David T.
Beito, A Consumers’ Republic: The Politics of Mass
Consumption in Postwar America by Lizabeth Cohen, and
The Consumer Society Reader by Juliet B. Schor and
Douglas B. Holt

* Spaces of Solidarity: Infoshops, the Suburbs, and
the French Revolution by Lesley Wood
Review of Insurgent Identities: Class, Community, and
Protest in Paris from 1848 to the Commune by Roger
Gould and Schism and Solidarity in Social Movements:
The Politics of Labor in the French Third Republic by
Christopher K. Ansell

* Magonismo: An Overview by Chuck Morse
Review of El magonismo: historia de una pasión
libertaria, 1900-1922 (Magonism: History of a
Libertarian Passion, 1900-1922) by Salvador Hernández
Padilla and El fenómeno magonista en México y en
Estados Unidos 1905-1908 (The Magonist Phenomenon in
Mexico and the United States 1905-1908) by Ricardo
Cuauhtémoc Esparza Valdivia

Anarchist Approaches to Anti-Colonial Struggles:
French Anarchists and the Algerian War by Andréa
Review of Les anarchistes français face aux guerres
coloniales (1945 - 1962) (French Anarchists Confronted
by the Colonial Wars (1945 - 1962)) by Sylvain
Boulouque and Les camarades des frères: Trotskistes et
libertaires dans la guerre d’Algérie (The Brothers’
Comrades: Trotskyists and Anti-Authoritarians in the
Algerian War) by Sylvain Pattieu

* Notes About Contributors

* Publications Received

(Copy editors for this issue: Lex Bhagat, Michael
Caplan, Sharin Elkholy, Paul Glavin, and Andréa