Radical media, politics and culture.

Fourth Annual Anarchist Theory Conference

"Fourth Annual Anarchist Theory Conference"

BASTARDs (Berkeley Anarchist Students of Theory And Research and Development)

Berkeley, March 14, 2994

The BASTARDs (Berkeley Anarchist Students of Theory And Research and Development) proudly announce the Fourth Annual Anarchist Theory Conference at the close of Anarchy week, Sunday March 14, 2004.

The theme for this conference is Organization: Beyond False Dichotomies. The anarchist community has a long tradition of organizing according to both anarchist and non-anarchist principles. We are interested in exploring the many forms of organization that anarchists have created and taken part in over the years. Through theoretical overviews of various forms (federations, councils, networks, coalitions, affinity groups, households and other) and active discussion about the tools we use to organize (including decision-making processes: direct democracy, mandated delegates, consensus, etc.) we hope to further discussion about what kinds and forms of organizing are helpful and sustainable. Our purpose is not to engage in the debate about whether organizations in the abstract are good or bad, but to engage in helpful and insightful criticism of the organizations we form, our historical patterns and our current and future efforts.Workshop proposals are being accepted not just along the organization theme but on any theoretical theme that anarchists might find interesting.

Forms are available on-line at sfbay-anarchists.org or you may email proposals to conference@sfbay-anarchists.org or send us your proposals and a little background info about yourself (and a SASE) to ASG c/o Long Haul 3124 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley CA 94705.

So come join us on Sunday March 14th (the day after The Anarchist Bookfair) at UC Berkeley Campus, Valley Life Sciences Building, second floor, 10 am to 5 pm.