Radical media, politics and culture.


God, Guns and Money in the Land of Milk and Honey

A Disease called Zionism Military haze of good Jewiship, and everything conspires to make them feel that they are secure and jolly strong nation which achieved its’ independence in the modern world, should now be carrying the mantle of Colonialism.

Zionism = Neo-Colonialism The aggressive Zionists, expresses only the interests of the rich and the ruling minorities, who strive to dominate and exploit everything both at home and abroad, and cover this up with false lofty words about the “democratic” heritage.

Judaism is only a religion Irrational desire for a nation; Hallucinatory self-hysteric, self-righteous and self-building of their own empire is part of the Zionist dream.

Eviction or extermination of the Palestinian population Accustomed expansion of borders through the annexation (forcibly) of neighboring and local territories. The neo-colonial Zionists has acquired a taste for expansion, which increases the number of wars for the development and growth of State powers.

Zionist hysteria As soon as the Zionist State had been formed, the ruling greedy circles began to look around again with increasing interest and lust; Wherever they looked they found it easy to steal, especially the vast and poorly defended territories in the North, South and East. Initial expansion was aimed at the exploitation of Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon.

Expansion by the Zionist State, starting before the Declaration of Independence and terminating under its’ own self-destructive collapse By stressing the inequality of wo/man, they turned the former Palestinian land, controlled by the British Colonialism, into a Jewish State. Therefore, the pursuit of happiness, because of this State, did not distribute itself equally to all members of the area. This is, nevertheless, a temporary historical period, unfortunate but survivable.

The “chosen” Zionists To justify the necessity of increasing the territory of the State, the Zionists-in-Government, readily refer to the “Will of God”. Thus, they say that “Our Creator” has defined our borders for us, in the South, East, North and northeast.

The intruders from the outside succeeded to infiltrate because the locals were weak to resist and protect themselves The Zionists really believe that they are the highest of all achievement and the crown of civilization, and that the unique combination of military might with the “Jewish genius” will enable them to build the Jewish hallucinatory empire. Sharon’s bombastic and sub-emotional slogans are used to cover up the unsavory deeds.

Calvinistic Zionists 1. Sense of “heroic” missions. 2. Military-superiority complex. 3. Individual-inferiority complex. 4. “National” hysteria and State-worshiping. 5. Professional “land-thieves”. 6. It is and extremely convenient, but unconvincing argument, for the Zionists to explain practically any monstrous foreign-policy-moves, by referring to the Second World war where six million Jews were killed.

Criminal-minded Zionists The money and immigration from Europe to Palestine created the necessary Capitals and Reserves of skilled wo/manpower. The rapid military-industrial growth, because of this illegal immigration, boasted the country’s economic and military potential considerably. Between 1948 and 1973, after stealing nearly everything from the Palestinian locals, production increased from 0% to 60%. In other words, by 1973, Israel was a most dangerous and powerful state, within the Middle East.

A miracle called Tsahal (IDF) In its’ drive into Northern, Eastern and Southern-Mid-Asia, the Zionist state did always resort to violence, fear and force (wars). The superiority of IDF (Tassel) and the relative stupidity and weakness of the surrounding countries of that area made the occupation relatively easy.

Zionism as a “pain the ass” The Israeli State perpetrated some 4000 acts of aggression against the locals and the surrounding countries and their people. On the threshold of the Second World War, the Zionist State began a course of economic and military expansion, taking an active part in building newly-constructed neo-colonialist enterprises for exploiting the Arabs and their land, for the State’s benefits and profits. The military policy of the State reflects clearly the internal conflictive-process and difficulties that the Zionists are going through these days. In 1948, Israel found herself a Neo-Colonial Power based upon spurious political-religious Judaism that justified the domination of the under-developed Arabs. During the period, just after the “mighty war”. A new stage of rapid economical development started. This new economical and political reality, created by the “occupation”, steadily eroded the concept of the exclusive nature of Israeli “democracy” and superiority over the other “democracies”.

The Zionists in Israel continued, as expected, to remain blindly loyal to their “undemocratic” State, and to this way of existence. The ruling-elite, intoxicated euphorically by their Country’s “military might”, used empty abstractions as a convenient line of political and socio-economical demagogy. The Zionist “policy” is an apologetic and humanly destructive ideology, adapted as a justification and substantiation of “inequality”, “expansion” and “racial hate”.

Zionistic-Social Darwinism and the “survival of the fittest army” Led by the principle of “the struggle for existence in the animal world” to a sphere of “national relations and relations with the local people”, this gave birth to the legendary hysteria about the “struggle of the races”, and in particular, the “struggle of the Jewish Race for existence”. The inferior dark-colored locals serve the neo-colonial superior whites – The soil gives life to the grass; The grass gives life to the people living on the land, The people, with their land, give life to the Zionist State. This state of mind is for them as natural as sunlight. The “aborigines” of Palestine could have been nearly extinct from the onslaught of U.S. – made “phantoms” over Gaza, if it would have been started 52 years ago.

The illusionary superiority-complex of the “Jewish mind” and the development of rapid chauvinism Torturing people and “occupation” of the land through violent frontiers, in almost all directions, is the motive force in the “Zionist history”. By 1967, all the Palestinian land was taken and the formation of Zionist enterprises and settlements” on those lands, was completed.

The “truths” about the “Jewish history” The Jewish tribes at that time, (500-800 years BC), were searching for more fertile valleys and lands. They began to ascend from the barren hills lying between the Mediterranean sea and the Jordan River, and settled in the neighboring Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, and then in Greece and the Roman Empire, or wherever they found a niche or riches in the “primitive societies”. Just before the dawn of the “Christian era”, there were about 700,000 Jews in Palestine whilst there were about 4,000,000 Jews living in the Roman Empire. The earthquakes in the 11th Century, the Crusades, droughts, epidemics and similar disasters, caused nearly all the Jews to leave Palestine by 1300 AD In 1827, Jerusalem had only about 1000 Jews. So, the claims to a territory based on a “right” established 2000 years ago, is absurd, false and criminally illegal.

Zionism today, is one of the most “reactionary and racial forces” lets loose on planet Earth Being an integral part of the “general reactionary monopoly” in the world, Zionists seek inhumanly and desperately to put Jewish populations in all countries under their “military control”. Zionism emerged in the second part of the 19th Century, as a “racist ideology” which is closely linked with other negative powers, likes the USA, England and ex-South Africa. Zionists can never be anything but destructive in character, and supported by the Army, they gradually strive for other people’s land. They exploit both the people and their land for their own selfish and greedy benefits. Zionism is a political ideology, founded on business and stupid legendary myths, taken from the most primitive theology.

Zionists are professionally specialized “neo-colonialists” Zionists try to explain the “causes of persecution” of Jews, solely upon the fact of Jews living amongst Christians and non-Jews. According to them, “anti-Semitism” is not a “class phenomena” inherent in Feudalism and Capitalism but something natural, existing in other nations and brought about just by the presence of Jews living amongst them.

Zionists oppress the “occupied Arabs” at a gunpoint The establishment of “Jewish Ghettos” in a new form: by concentrating Jews in particular areas to dominate the non-Jewish population, thus alienating themselves from their neighboring surrounding through “multi-structural controls” on “objects” and “people”, exploiting and killing and then leaving the locals wounded and without nothing but hope for a “Palestinian State”.

Zionists cannot exist without the oppression of others The leaders of the “World-Zionist-Mafia Organization” and the “Israeli Ruling Circles” are in the front ranks of the enemies of “peace”, “freedom” and “equality”. This Mafia-Organization will have amore appropriate flag if it was to bear a “Phantom” rather than the “dark-blue six-pointed star”. They have created more than seven wars in the fifty years of existence, thus, one every less than seven years. The result of this is that half a million persons have been wounded and killed, more than four million persons have been made “refugees” or “homeless. Hundreds of thousands of acres of land have been taken by cunning and force, including mental and physical suffering and damage to a great to a great majority of the people affected by this most unwanted Zionism

Declining “King David’s” Empire The Zionists are professional in transforming human suffering and misery into-profit anti-Zionistic pedagogy. But the “Zionist dream” is over, the “promised heaven” has ended into a multi-dimensional catastrophe; Cripples crawling desperately around, Widows crying for the dead, and 100% explosive so called “inflation”. “Guns before butter” is the chief principle of the State’s policy. A country riddled with multi-leveled corruption, violence and every possible crime, hate, fear and horrific accidents. The “Promised Land” has turned into a “Zionist black nightmare”. The many ceasless wars have turned this place into a sick area. It costs the State very dearly and the military invasion and settlements of neighboring countries and Palestine did not bring about, with all the looting carried on, an economical uplift. On the contrary, the wars and occupation aggravated the financial and monetary crises, which had began primarily after the second Intifada, and has since been escalating. As always, the “wage and slave-earners” pay the losses, these constitute the majority of the Israeli population. They carry heavy weight of inflation, whilst a handful of military – “Techno-industrial monopolies” make astronomical profits from the escalation of the occupation. The “Right-wingers” in Israel in control of the “mighty State”. A bad moment in history: Like their leaders they are fanatics and very-religious chauvinists with additional anti-Palestinian binding.

The rise of the “American symptoms” in Israel 1. Polluted lakes, seas, shores and towns, to an extent that it is becoming deadly to every wo/man, plant and what left of the animals. 2. “Tel-Avivian Slums’ in rapid growth. 3. Socio-ethical deterioration. 4. Legal and illigal crimes, turning the cities into a “fear-jungle”. 5. Drivers in full “ego-psychosis”. 6. Shortage and suffering in all public services. 7. Military and ”politicization” of every day-to-day living. 8. Socio-political crises from the “ups” to the “downs”. 9. Growing military expansion and expenditure. 10. Ultra-Right social atmosphere headed by the fascist government. 11. Blind hatred of the Palestinian Arabs. 12. Anti-Democratic political condition known as “Zionist Dictatorship”.

Zionist “neurosis” The Zionists, especially the “activists”, are usually unfriendly and full of psycho-emotional complexes and “identity” problems. They bribe their way “in and out”, hiding behind irrational paranoiac hare-fears of Palestinians and schizophrenically behaving and in criminal way whilst in contact with the Arabs.

Money-collectors on dead bodies The Zionist government sends daily “fund-raisers” abroad to lustily beg for more “gifts and charities”, in addition to the abnormally high taxes they intake whilst introducing continuously new “theft methods” and “custom-duties”. The cost of living in Israel is growing all the time at an unprecedented pace. During 1999 it rose by about 90%, which marked the largest increase in the Country’s “un-peaceful history”.

Israel is a “big military State-camp” Both men and women, except the infants who already play with toy guns, are obliged to serve in the Tsahal (IDF), the “holy-glorified” Army. The reservists (Miluinicim) undergo military training for a few months a year until their late ages make them unfit to serve the State. Whilst girls and boys are still at school they do military drills in the “Gadna”. These are special “military schools” where young children from both sexes learn to use guns and master the skills of killing and war. There are especial military divisions of the “fighting pioneer youth”, the “Nahal”, who learn to master cannons, tanks and other weapons of mass destruction and war

Neo-Colonial “reality” No one can deny the bloody conflicts between Arabs and Jews, beginning only after the appearance of the “Jewish Neo-Colonialism” in Palestine. It is an historical fact that Arabs were pushed out of their homes and lands, and ignorant are those who believe that they have chosen voluntarily to leave their own “homeland”.

“Anti-Zionism” is not “anti-Semitism” Any criticism of Zionism brings their aggressiveness open to accusations of ‘anti-Semitism”. This is the official, most admired, position of the Israeli Government and of all the ‘Zionist leaders’. The “activities”, like the “fanatic maniacs” twist logic to their ends. For them criticism of Zionism means an insult to the “Jewish people”. But these assertions are wrong, untrue and very misleading; my late mother was a ‘Jew’, yet she spoke very loudly against Zionism. Does it follow that my mother is anti-Semitic? In fact, all Zionists are poorly acquainted with reality and history, and this is confirmed when you have a conversation with the supporters of the ‘God-chosen State’ and of “Jewish exclusiveness” of “anti-Semitism”, which usually ends with violent accusations of “anti-Semitism”. The Zionists are very ignorant of life, they know it, and I do too.

Palestine is for all or no one Jews are not the “native population” of Palestine, not even in the remote past. Even before the appearance of “Jewish nomad tribes” in Palestine, a thousand years before Christ, this particular territory had for than 1800 years BC been controlled in turn by the Egyptians, Hyksos, Hetts and the local tribes of Canaanite. There is no such “religious right” after thousands of years, there is only an illusion and imperialism. Even six hundred years can fly instantly in the face of human reason and rationality. If such claims were taken seriously, then all the people of the world can start claiming against each other, and thus plunge the whole of wo/mankind into a thermo-nuclear and bacterio-chemical global catastrophe.