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Classes on Anarchism and Marxism, NYC, Spring, 2004

Classes on "Anarchism and Marxism -- Their Interrelations, Similarities and Differences"

NYC, Spring, 2004 by Wayne Price

There will be an 8 part class series on
"Anarchism and Marxism -- Their Interrelations, Similarities and Differences" begining on February 9. Classes will be on Mondays, 5:30 to 7:30 at The Brecht Forum, 122 West 27th Street, 10th floor, between 6th and 7th Avenues.Classes given by Wayne Price.  Formerly a member of the Revolutionary Socialist League and then the Love & Rage Revolutionary Anarchist Federation, he is now a member of  the Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists (NEFAC).  He has evolved from anarcho-pacifism to Trotskyism to revolutionary socialist-anarchism (anarcho-communism).   He describes himself as a Marxist-informed anarchist.

Classes will cover  the evolution of anarchism and Marxism.  What might they mean today? Libertarian tendencies within Marxism.  Is there a need for a transitional stage between capitalism and socialism?  Is a revolutionary state (dictatorship of the proletariat) needed or would a federation of councils be sufficient?   Centralization vs. decentralization; can a decentralized society work?    The agent of change: the working class or what?  Vanguard parties vs. platformism vs. no organization.  Electoralism and other strategies and tactics.   Is a synthesis between anarchism and libertarian Marxism possible or even desirable?

The cost for all 8 classes is between $65 and $85, depending on income.  The first class may be paid for separately.