Radical media, politics and culture.

NYC Grassroots Media Conference, Feb. 27-29, 2004

"New York City Grassroots Media Conference

Feb. 27-29, 2004, New School University

New York City will become the epicenter of the media democracy movement this
February, when hundreds of journalists, scholars, artists, and organizers
gather to discuss how to strengthen and expand the city's vibrant network of
independent media.The NYC Grassroots Media Conference, which will be held February 27-29 at New
School University, will feature over 40 workshops and panels conducted by more
than 40 local organizations on topics ranging from video production to
puppet-making; from how to start your own record label to practical ways that
community media can help fight environmental racism. The goals of the
weekend-long event are to promote awareness of the independent media in the
city, to strengthen and unify the city?s independent media community, and to
create strong bonds among community groups and local media makers.

Participants will choose from workshops in three different tracks:
policy/advocacy, do-it-yourself media, and youth media. In each track,
participants will strategize on creative resistance and organizing
documentation of the flourishing protest movement against the Republican
National Convention, which takes place in NYC this August.

The opening event on Friday evening will spotlight local talent, including
bands, spoken word performers, and poets. Independent films and documentaries
will be showcased on Saturday and Sunday and local organizations will present
information as exhibitors throughout the weekend. The conference will feature
panels by local organizers, youth media activists, labor, media & arts
organizations, youth publications, authors, scholars, independent music labels,
local ethnic publications and world renowned artists. Scheduled presenters
include authors Jeremy Glick and Kevin Powell, artist Hank Shocklee of Public
Enemy, WBAI's Rosa Clemente, the National Association of Hip Hop's Tricia Wang,
and artist Brett Cook Dizney.

The conference comes at an historic moment in media history. Last year, an
unprecedented three million Americans called, faxed, and emailed the Federal
Communications Commission and Congress to protest the FCC's highly publicized
3-2 vote to endorse six major media-ownership rule changes. Americans are
clearly realizing that mega corporations like Clear Channel and Rupert
Murdoch's News Corporation are being guided by commercial values instead of
democratic ones. At the NYC Grassroots Media Conference, New Yorkers will plot
ways to reverse this trend.

To learn more about the conference and view the growing list of speakers,
workshops, exhibitors, and participating organizations, please visit

Please contact Paper Tiger Television with press
requests and inquiries by calling (212) 420-9045 or by emailing

Organizing Groups: Paper Tiger Television, The NYC Indymedia Print Team, Bands
Against Bush, NYU Oppositional Media Collective, The Point, Rooftop Films,
free103point9, Youth Free Expression Network, La Lutta New Media Collective,
Educational Video Center, Global Action Project. Patrons: The North Star Fund,
New School University Department of Media Studies, The NYC Indymedia Print
Team. Media Sponsors: The Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers,
Satya Magazine, Altar Magazine, Clamor Magazine, Stay Free! Magazine, YMDI.org,
Block Magazine, NYU Inc, Manhattan Neighborhood Network, WBAI, WNYC.


Pre-Registration - $20

Day of Events - $30

Youth(21 and under) - $8

Group Rates and discounts available.

Sign up at grassrootsmedia to receive announcements about the
conference. Speakers and Workshop Titles will be released Mon. Jan 26th.