Radical media, politics and culture.

Brassens and the French "Renaissance of Song..."

Bureau of Public Secrets writes:
Brassens and the other post-World War II French singers are responsible for the greatest renaissance of song in modern times. . . . The great secret of Brassens is that he speaks for the total unassimilables with complete self-awareness. He knew that he and behind him his ever-growing following could not and never would be assimilated, and he knew why, and he said so in every song, whatever that song was about. With him the counterculture comes of age"
(Kenneth Rexroth, "Subversive Aspects of Popular Songs"). * * *

Georges Brassens was a lifelong anarchist, and his songs express a lively antiauthoritarian spirit, even if most of them are about the simple pains and pleasures of life rather than about specifically political topics.

Unfortunately, few English-speaking people are aware of him.

In an attempt to help remedy this situation, I have put together a new webpage which briefly discusses Brassens and the other creators of the
French "renaissance of song", and which also includes links to some of the most useful Brassens sites on the Web. It's at
http://www.bopsecrets.org/recent/brassens.htm .

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"Making petrified conditions dance by singing them their own tune.""