Radical media, politics and culture.

"Work" at the Centro de Artes Visuais, Coimbra, Portugal, Oct. 25-Jan. 11, 2004

"Work: An Exhibition"

António Júlio Duarte | Augusto Brázio | Daniel Malhão | Filipa César | Hugo Canoilas | Inês Gonçalves | Joana Pimentel | Paulo Catrica | Pedro Letria | Nuno Ribeiro

October 25 – January 11

Centro de Artes Visuais

Pátio da Inquisição, 10

Apartado 6026, 3000 Coimbra, Portugal

T. +00351 239 826178

Fax. +00351 239 820 154

Email: encontrosphoto@oninet.pt

The importance of work is measured by the meaning it has taken on in modern societies since the Industrial Revolution, to the point of shaping all aspects of daily life. The fact that we are today witnessing a transformation of the processes of work themselves, with the consolidation of services and the coming of the immaterial economy, makes this subject even more pressing."Work" is an exhibition organised by the Centro de Artes Visuais that intends to analyse the universe of work. Projects in photography and video were commissioned or purchased, allowing one to draw up an overview of productive activities that characterise contemporary Portugal. The works on display represent the contexts associated, on the one hand, to the process of industrialisation and, on the other hand, to the tertiary sector, as well as their respective leading figures, the “working class” and the “intellectual workers”.

Work is curated by Albano Silva Pereira and Miguel Amado. It is accompanied by a book that reproduces all the exhibited works and which includes, besides an introductory text by the curators, texts by António Bagão Félix, Minister for Social Security and Labour, Luís Pais Antunes, Secretary of State for Labour, and by the sociologist Carlos Fortuna.

The Centro de Artes Visuais (CAV) is a contemporary art institution based in Coimbra, Portugal. The CAV’s programme is focused on photography and related media, such as film and video. The CAV organises six exhibitions each year, both solo and group shows, as well as several small-scale projects. The CAV opened its doors to the public in February 2003. Since then, the CAV has presented four exhibitions. One should highlight firstly “Coimbra”, a group show dedicated to the city of Coimbra, and “Gabriel Orozco”, the first solo show by this world wide acclaimed artist in Portugal. The CAV holds a collection made up of works commissioned to or purchased from the artists involved in CAV exhibitions.

Albano Silva Pereira is the Director of the Centro de Artes Visuais. Miguel Amado is a curator based in Lisbon and London. He recently graduated from the MA course in Curating Contemporary Art at the Royal College of Art, London.