Radical media, politics and culture.

Autonomous Social Movements Caravan, New York City, October 29, 2003

On a Journey from Maine to Miami...

The Autonomous Social Movements Caravan is Rolling into NYC!

On Wednesday, October 29th come to the Good Shephard-Faith Church in
Midtown Manhattan for creative presentations from and discussions with
women and men from the unemployed workers movements of Argentina and from
the Brazilian movements for indigenous autonomy and prison abolition.Bringing their stories, songs, images, and puppets(!), the caravan
delegates will link the specifics of their movements to the current
struggle against the FTAA and provide an interactive insight into what has
been described as "the most inspiring popular movement since the
Zapatistas." [Delegate Bios Below]

This event is a collaborative effort of the Autonomous Social Movements
Caravan, the argentina autonomista project, and The Beehive Collective.


Wednesday, Oct. 29th 6:30-9pm

Resisting Capitalism and Building New Worlds:

Autonomous Social Movements in Argentina and Brazil

Creative Presentations and Discussion

-Good Shepherd-Faith Church

152 W. 66th St (between Columbus
and Amsterdam Ave)

Take 1,9 to 66 St/Lincoln Center

Suggested $5 Donation--no one will be turned away for lack of funds!

(NOTE: Due to the recent tragedy, the Staten Island Ferry event on Tuesday
evening has been cancelled.)


From Argentina:

1. Nelida Argentina Jara (Neka)

Neka is an organizer with the Unemployed Workers Movement (Movimiento de
Trabajadores Desocupados, MTD) in Solano, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

information: www.solano.mtd.org.ar

*Neka is on tour with Gracial Monteagudo, coordinator of the Argentina
Autonomista Project: www.autonomista.org

2. Soledad Bordegaray

Soledad is a school teacher from the Unemployed Workers Movement, La Matanza.

From Brazil:

1. Hiparidi Dzutsi'wa Top'Tiro

Hipa is a leader of the indigenous ethnic group, the Xavante, and
co-founder of the village Udzo'Uhu which is based on building
self-sufficiency and autonomy for the Xavante. He is also president of the
Associacao Wara--an organization based in Sao Paolo, Brazil which is
committed to the cultural survival of the Xavante.

More information : www.wara.org.br.

*Hipa is traveling with Daniela Batista Lima who is not Xavante but works
with the Associacao Wara and speaks not only Portuguese but Spanish and
English as well.

2. Alessandro Campos

Alessandro is a psychologist and works in the area of mental health and
education. He has been in the struggle "antimanicomial" for more than 20
years and is fighting for the end of psychiatric hospitals in Brazil. He
also participates in diverse educational projects with Acao Local por
Justica Global (Local Action for Global Justice) in Sao Paulo, Brazil.


Help Get the Word Out (this is a grassroots, DIY event!):

Flyers can be downloaded off the web at

www.wogan.org/NYCflyer (english)

www.wogan.org/NYCespanol.pdf (spanish)



It is clearly visible: an electoral Left is on the rise in South America.
Hugo Chavez perseveres in Venezuela; Lula, Gutierrez and Kirchner have won
the presidencies in Brazil, Ecuador and Argentina; and Evo Morales'
popularity is on the rise in Bolivia. The hopes of many for greater
freedom and equality are being carried on their ability to employ State
power to meet these ends. Their rise to power is made visible not only by
the corporate media but also by the prominence given to them within major
Left venues such as the World Social Forum.

But there is another Left on the rise in South America as well. It is a
Left that seeks to change the world without taking State power, a Left
that is almost invisible to the gaze of the corporate media and that has
been pushed to the periphery of events such as the World Social Forum: the
autonomous Left.

In order to make the invisible visible the Autonomous Social Movements
Caravan with delegates from Argentina and Brazil is touring through the
Eastern US between October 20 and November 24 to build interest in, and
support between, autonomous social movements and activists throughout the

The caravan also serves to instigate and support organizing against the
Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) Ministerial in Miami
(Nov.17-21) and to close the School of the Americas (SOA/WHISC, Nov.
21-24, Fort Benning, GA). Through creative presentations the caravan
highlights connections between the FTAA/capitalist globalization and US
global military domination: often called the "new face of colonialism."

For More Info. visit www.autonomista.org or write to rj@riseup.net