Radical media, politics and culture.

New "Triple C" Journal ("Cognition, Communincation Co-Operation"

Anonymous Comrade submits:

The first issue of the e-journal "tripleC. cognition, communication,
co-operation" (edited by the Unified Theory of Information research group)
is now online at



Christian Fuchs, Norbert Fenzl, Wolfgang Hofkirchner, Gottfried Stockinger

Co-operation and Self-Organization 1-52

Christian Fuchs

Information: Problems, Paradoxes, and Solutions 53-70

Mark Burgin

The Cybersemiotic Model of Communication: An Evolutionary View on the
Threshold between Semiosis and Informational Exchange 71-94

Søren Brier

Forthcoming topics in issue 2:

*Internet as System and Environment"