Radical media, politics and culture.

A Discussion on Multi-Culturalism in the Arts, New York City, September 2, 2003

Multiculturalism in the Arts

A Discussion with Jeffrey Collins-Harper

Jeffrey Collins-Harper is the Director of Off-Broadway’s “Sacrifice to Eros”, Co-Artistic Director, Luvchild Theatre Ensemble, and Director/Producer, Common Ground Productions, Inc.

Racism and discrimination is a hot topic in the media in an era where
allegedly we have equal access and equal opportunity in education,
employment, etc. But what about the arts? Is the establishment of a
black theatre a step forward or a step backwards? Is it opportunity or
segregation?On the agenda:

Is there racism in the arts, specifically theatre?

What is multiculturalism?

What is cross-cultural casting? And does it promote stereotypes?

What is color-blind casting?

Is the establishment of a National Black Theatre progress or

In casting, is it appropriate for a Caucasian to play an Asian, or is
that another minstrel show, and is that denying an Asian equal access? (This
was a the controversy over “Miss Saigon.”) Is multicultural casting or
“color-blind” casting valid or a publicity gimmick? What was the debate
between African American playwright August Wilson and theatre critic
Robert Brustein all about?

These and other questions will be addressed and discussed in an open
forum led by Jeffrey Collins-Harper, critically acclaimed director and
proponent of multicultural casting.

The revolution has begun!


ABC No Rio

156 RIvington Street (Between Clinton and Suffolk)

7pm, Tuesday, September 2, 2003

($1 donation for use of space)

Please email ATP so we can gauge how many people will be attending at