Radical media, politics and culture.

NoBorder Summer Calendar 2003

Anonymous Comrade submits:

Some old and upcoming dates on a calendar of anti-authoritarian initiatives: noborder summer calendar03




19.May.03 - the following calendar contains the dates of events that are
organised by mebers of the noborder network or have a strong link with the
topics and activities of our network. participation is highly reccomended:

29th of mai until 3rd of june in france and switzerland: mobilisation against
the g-8-summit in evian/geneva/lausanne demonstrations, mass-blockade, actions
against the g-8-summit

http://www.evian-g8.org and www.nadir.org/evian
camps http://www.claaacg8.org and g8illegal.lautre.net will start at 28th of may

30th of mai: demonstration against IOM, WTO, WIPO in geneva, 11 a.m.

1st of june: massdemonstration and blockades in geneva, annemasse und
lausanne ...

9th until 15th of june in romania: nobordercamp in timisiora with concerts,
workshops, actions, in the triangle to hungary and yugoslavia

19th until 21st of june in greece: mobilisation against the eu-summit in
thessaloniki http://www.thessalonikiresist2003.gr

19th of june: demonstration in solidarity with migrants

20th of june: march against war and exploitation

26th of june until 5th of july in poland: conferences, actionday in warsaw and
nobordercamp in krynki

26th until 29th of june: anti-border conference
27th until 30th of june: international anarchist meeting

1st of july: actionday against new visa-regulations

2nd until 5th of july: nobordercamp at the border to belarus

21st until 27th of july in italy: nobordercamp near Puglia-Salento

workshops and actions against the borderregime in the mediterranean sea,
against detention-camps and about the working conditions from migrants in the
agricultural sector

31st of july until 10th of august in germany: conference and nobordercamp in

31st of july until 3rd of august: conference "out of control"

3rd until 10th of august: actions for example against iom, azr (-database) and
at the deportation airport in dusseldorf