Radical media, politics and culture.

Connecticut Anarchism Conference, Hartford, May 17, 2003

Connecticut Anarchism Conference
May 17th, 2003

University of Hartford

Check www.gpjo.org/ctanarchism.htm for More Info as it Becomes Available

The Agenda for the Conference has Yet to be Made. Please Email Us for Submissions. Ideas so far:

- Creative Resistance 

The general purpose is to bring anti-authoritarians from across the state together so we may coordinate our efforts and bring a strong presence into the local peace and justice movement. Out-of-staters are welcomed so we may perhaps get an idea for what already-established anarchist communities are doing.

For some dumb reason, the University of Hartford website seems to be down, so for directions go to www.mapquest.com and get directions to 200 Bloomfield Ave, West Hartford, CT. 

To get in touch with local CT anarchists, send a blank email to ctanarchism-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

For more information on the CT Anarchism Conference, email m(A)tt at mmcl@erols.com