Radical media, politics and culture.

Anti-G8 Protests Planned for Evian, France, June 1, 2003

Anonymous Comrade writes:

As you most certainly know, the next G8 (Group of the eight most
industrialised countries) summit is expected to take place at
the beginning of June, in Evian, in nearby France.
An international coordination, formed by militant groups from
various backgrounds, gathered last 1st and 2nd March to denounce
the illegitimacy of the G8 and to prepare the ground for a
social resistance.
During this meeting, it was decided in particular to organize
linked demonstrations between Switzerland (GE, VD, VS) and

None of the foreseen mobilizations intend to place the protest
against the G8 on military grounds, or to look for clashes with
police, or breaking into the security zones (red zones).

On the contrary, the demonstrations expected to be held against
the G8 and the world order (or rather shall we say, disorder) it
attempts to lay down, position themselves on a political, social
and cultural ground. What we are looking forward to are strong
actions of civil "disobedience" of theatrical and jovial kind.

A huge "Day of resistance" will take place on June 1st 2003, in
Lausanne, which will host many of those taking part in this
summit. The "Actions & Demonstration" group of the Anti-G8
Committee of Vaud has started to arrange these "festivities"
which will rely on the gathering of loads of people willing to
express their clear refusal of a society governed by the laws of
the stronger and the richer.

A great demonstration surrounding the red zones is therefore
being planned to take place in the capital of Vaud. This should
enable to get it through to the political leaders, as well as to
their logistical and technical staff, that they are not welcome,
whether it be here or elsewhere.

Far from the traditional march that goes from one place to
another in closed ranks chanting a slogans with more or less
energy, this rally aims to gather, around the security zones,
all the resources in order to underline through words, music and
various events, the importance of such values as freedom,
dignity, and the respect of diversity of culture and lifestyle.

The few people that are preparing this demonstration are not
willing to do everything -- that is to say, to organize and to
direct it. Neither do they have the power nor the means to do
so... Other people/groups of people are also working to organize
similar initiatives. Finally, there are people willing to
participate in such collective actions but who do not yet have
specific projects. In order to join forces and coordinate
efforts it is absolutely necessary to communicate and widen the
front of protest against the G8 and the injustice created by it.
A broad invitation is therefore being sent by the "Action &
Demonstration" group of the Anti-G8 Committee of Vaud to a

General Assembly (AG) of preparation
of the mobilisation in Lausanne against the G8

It will take place on
Sunday 27th April 2003, 13h.30, at the "Puits"
(Escalier du Puits, Quartier du Rôtillon, Rue Centrale 16,

Here's also a suggestion for the agenda of the General Assembly
(non exhaustive and non definitive content)

1. Exchange of information on projects in progress

2. Exchange of "resources"

- what do you/we have at your/our disposal?

- what do you/we need?

3. How to organize ourselves in order to carry out all our

For further notice: we already have 7 sound systems and we're
looking for vehicles (tractors, haycarts, etc.) to move along
with the demonstration.

Do not hesitate to express your wishes, your needs and your
comments! We'll look together for solutions.

The "Action & Demonstration" group of the Anti-G8 Committee of

Contact: regis