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Support the Hunger Strikers Against the War on Our Health

John A writes:




Despite their failing health on May 6 a group of injured workers will begin a seven-day hunger strike in front of Governor George Pataki's office here in New York City. Other members of the National Mobilization Against Sweatshops have urged them to take caution due to their personal health situations. However the hunger strikers feel that -- together with other injured workers-hurt on the job or by 9-11 -- they have exhausted all other avenues to compel Pataki to address the health concerns of working people.

National Mobilization Against calls on all individuals and organizations to join us in standing with the Hunger Strikers. They are speaking out in defense of all of our health as working people. Our health, our lives -- especially that of women, immigrants and workers of color -- are under fire. Every day we are asked to sacrifice more. While President Bush uses the war on Iraq to divert attention from war on us here and pours billions of our dollars into fighting abroad, Pataki continues to promote the interests of the wealthy.

The urgency is clear. Governor Pataki is now slashing some of the only health care programs available to low-income people and workers -- such as Medicaid, SSI and Family Health Plus. This is adding insult to injury to those of us who are already injured, who have children, or are elderly, low-income or poor. Here in New York, especially after September 11, many of us are increasingly forced to work brutally long hours, stripped of our health and robbed of time for our families. For others, this has meant massive layoffs, economic insecurity, loss of health coverage and aggravated health problems because of exposure to the toxic air of 9-11. Worsening conditions means that more of us are getting hurt on the job, and then suffering years of waiting at the state Workers' Compensation Board, often denied the benefits and medical treatment we desperately need.

Despite numerous invitations to hearings, meetings and protests, Pataki has ignored calls to end his attacks on our health and has refused to change his immoral policies. Instead, he has escalated his attacks, gutting health programs, and using police force to try to silence dissent.

Here is a statement from the Hunger Strikers about what they hope to accomplish:

"We want to draw attention to the war on us -- working people. We want to let the world know how Pataki's brutal policies are destroying our health, our families and our lives. We want more than to stop the budget cuts and increase benefits and health coverage. We want control over our health -- over the conditions affecting our lives. We want a say over the hours we work and the overtime we put in. We want to know the effects of 9/11 toxins in our air. We want to stop health problems before they stop us. We are voicing our demands: 1) the right of workers to decline overtime hours if they choose to; 2) an overhaul of the Workers' Compensation system so that decisions are made in three months, interim benefits granted within a week, and the minimum benefit rate be raised; 3) an expansion of Family Health Plus so that all New Yorkers can enjoy health care; 4) and a long-term study and treatment program for those affected by the contaminated air of September 11.

"We will not stay home -- barely surviving, dying quietly..."

Individual Statements:

"I am a victim of 9-11. I have problems with my eyes and my allergies because of the air from the World Trade Center. But I can't get health insurance so I have to scrape together what little money I can to cover medicine. A lot of my neighbors on the Lower East Side are suffering even worse health problems and we don't know what's going to happen to us down the road. Instead of trying to help us, Gov. Pataki is cutting health programs like Family Health Plus. He's making it even harder for us to survive. I feel betrayed by my own government. It is shameful the way we are being treated."

- Nereida Buitrago

"I was injured in 1995 working at a garment factory. Not receiving any Workers' Compensation benefits, I was forced to find another job. After working only a couple of years, I developed respiratory problems as a result of using toxic chemicals to clean the wedding gowns I'd sewn. Now, unable to work, waiting on two Workers' Comp cases, I am dependent on my husband who works three jobs to support our family. "

- Maria Reyes

Joining Maria Reyes and Nareida Buitrago are other injured workers such as Cornetta McNeil, Laura Gillis, Al Lewis, Arek Tomaszewski, Henryk Wiechno, Stanislaw Zelazny, and Stanislawa Kocimska-all of whom have been injured on the job, their lives and health ruined by long work and a Workers' Comp Board that has left them to die.

The National Mobilizaiton Against Sweatshops is organizig logistics, press and calling for all organizations and groups to join us in finding ways to support the Hunger Strikers. Below is a list of things we have already thought of that people might do.



How you can Support the Hunger Strikers:

* Download the flyer and the letter in PDF format & distribute them (available at www.nmass.org)!

* Mobilize family and friends to come to New York City to support the Hunger Strike on May 6-13.

* Get the word out about the Workers' Health & Safety Bill to give workers the choice to accept or decline overtime and to overhaul the New York State Workers' Compensation Board.

* Organize presentations, teach-ins, and/or fundraisers about the campaign.

* Join our outreach efforts to community groups and the general public!

* Support the Hunger Strikers by making a contribution (contact NMASS).

* Call, write, or fax to Governor Pataki (212-681-4580, fax:212-681-4643, email: gov.pataki@chamber.state.ny.us) to express your outrage over his attacks on NY workers' health.

National Mobilization Against Sweatshops (NMASS)

PHONE: (718)625-9091


WEB: www.nmass.org