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2nd Capitalism and Philosophy Lab, London, March 2, 2003

Anonymous Comrade writes:

The 2nd Capitalism and Philosophy Lab will be held on Saturday 29 March at

2-6 pm in Room A116, Middlesex University,

Tottenham Campus, White Hart Lane, London N17.


(The work of Alain Badiou, Antonio Negri, and Jacques Ranciere will be


Speakers: Sam Gillespie, Peter Hallward, Alberto ToscanoThe Capitalism and Philosophy Lab is a regular workshop on post-1968

philosophical approaches to capitalism. For those who believe that genuine

philosophical advances were made in 1960's and 70's France (in

the work, for instance, of Deleuze, Badiou, Lacan, Laruelle,

Lyotard), there is an ever more pressing need to explore and test

seriously the contribution these developments make (and can

make) to Marxist theory and the analysis of contemporary

capitalism. New theoretical tools are needed for the future of

Marxist thought. We suggest that one crucial way forward is to

rebut the common but one-sided perception that the

abovementioned philosophical developments are essentially

antagonistic to Marxist philosophy. (One exegetical aim of the

workshop is to place Althusserianism back into its proper

philosophical context.)

As well as critical and directed work on texts and key

concepts, these sessions aim to identify and explore vital

components in the current phase of capitalism. One central focus

for discussion will be the relations between technoscience and

capital. What implications do developments and accelerations in

technoscience have for philosophy and Marxism together?

Our hope is that, taken together, these lines of

investigation might provide powerful and new theoretical concepts

in the struggle against contemporary capitalism.

Future sessions include Subjectivity and History (in May, with Peter

Osborne), and Capitalism and Libidinal Economy (June).

Enquiries: R.Brassier@mdx.ac.uk or C.Kerslake@mdx.ac.uk