Radical media, politics and culture.

Bluestocking Feminist Bookstore in NYC Will Live On!

Bluestocking Feminist Bookstore in NYC Will Live On!

My friend Hitomi and I recently decided to take over the leadership of Bluestockings Bookstore. We had been planning to start an activist resource space his coming fall? but upon hearing of Bluestockings? closing, we decided to go for it now.

I have attached the letter that Katherine, Hitomi and I sent out to the Bluestockings list. You can read our draft mission statement below.

We are renovating the space over the next month? starting with painting this weekend? and we would really love some help. So please? if you got an hour or two today or tomorrow feel free to stop by. (172 Allen St)

Also we are going to start to schedule events and meetings in the space as soon as possible? so please call if we can house you (post March 15th).

Overwhelmed, way over my head... but really excited,


Dear Friends, It is with happiness and excitement that I write you this letter. Bluestockings has--in the 11th hour--been bought out to continue as a bookstore and community space here in the same location. Following my short note is a letter of introduction from the buyers accompanied by their vision of a new future for the store. I am thrilled that Bluestockings will live on, and especially inspired to have it continue with these particular individuals. I have personally witnessed over the years their commitment to social justice through community organizing and activism, and I can think of no better people to launch a new Bluestockings into the future.

Viva Bluestockings!

Kathryn Welsh

Friends of Bluestockings,

We are thrilled by the opportunity to take over the leadership of Bluestockings and to continue to foster the vision of this dynamic community space. We had dreams of opening a similar space this fall, but upon hearing of the impending closure of Bluestockings, we decided to move our plans into high gear.

As you can see from our draft mission statement below, the vision of Bluestockings is going to evolve. Though Bluestockings will remain a resolutely feminist and queer-positive space, we plan to broaden the focus. We plan to expand the social justice focus of Bluestockings to emphasize more political programming and more resources for NYC activists. In addition, we hope to expand the cafe and to create a comfortable lounge space.

We welcome all of you who have been a part of shaping Bluestockings over the past four years as volunteers, performers, activists, and customers to continue to bring your energy and ideas to the bookstore. We will continue to host readings, performances, and political and educational events.

The store will be closed until the middle of March for renovations. Please feel free to stop by, check things out, bring ideas, lend a hand, ask questions. We are painting the store this weekend and hope to lay a new floor, build new shelves and a new cafe and lounge area in the next few weeks. Please check our website for updates. www.bluestockings.com

Looking forward to meeting you all,

Hitomi Matarese and Brooke Lehman

To celebrate the re-opening of Bluestockings, we are offering all Bluestockings supporters Memberships for $25 dollars a year, which will give you 10% off of all new books, in addition to other perks.

Books, Cafe, & Activist Resource Center

Draft New Mission Statement Bluestockings is an independent bookstore, cafe, and activist resource center, located in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Through words, art, food, activism, education, and community, we strive to create a space that welcomes and empowers all people. We actively support movements that challenge hierarchy and all systems of oppression, including but not limited to patriarchy, heterosexism, the gender binary, white supremacy and classism, within society as well as our own movements. We seek to make our space and resources available to such movements for meetings,
events, and research. Additionally, we offer educational programming that promotes centered, strategic, and visionary thinking, towards the realization of a society that is infinitely creative, truly democratic, equitable, ecological, and free.