Radical media, politics and culture.

the >wartime< project

atty writes "Currently the population of the planet is waiting for the launch of a deadly attack by one set of countries on another. the >wartime< project is a collective group effort by digital and network artists across all the continents to focus its visitors and audience on the horror and destructiveness of war.


In the >wartime< project over eighty artists, individuals or groups, organizing through the internet, have contributed pieces meditating on, reflecting on and reacting against wars, past, present and future. A further thirty or so artists are currently registered to contribute to the project in the future.

The project is designed to be visited online and also capable of being shown LIVE in public as a installation or performance show. A calendar of these public events is on the site.

We hope that the reach and diversity of approach, materials, sentiments and location in the component parts of our project demonstrates and reflects the range and scale of opposition to war. Collectively we will not be dragged into war without reaction, without questioning, and we have the will and capacity to defy the borders and barriers erected between people by war makers.

the >wartime< project is a joint initiative of the international digital artists group OFFLINE http://offline.area3.net and South London based digital arts events association open_digi http://club.net-art.ws/

Any correspondence concerning the project can be addressed to atty@no-such.com

Shockwave 8.5 and Flash MX plugins are needed to visit many parts of the project."