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Autonomous People's Organizations Schedule Porto Allegre Meetings

Anonymous Comrade writes "Comrades of SIL,

Here is the latest information on the Meeting of Autonomous People's
Circular of the Organizing Committee of the 1st Latin American Meeting of
Autonomous People's Organizations


Our meeting is on the horizon we want to share some information about how
the preparations are going. .

People's organizations that have confirmed their assistance:

-Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

-Comitê de Resistência Popular da Restinga, Porto Alegre

-Ação Periférica na Comunicação, Restinga, Porto Alegre

-Grupo de Grafitti Zombando da Restinga, Porto Alegre

-Rádio Comunitária Restinga, Porto Alegre

-Rádio Comunitária da Grande Cruzeiro, Porto Alegre

-Comitê de Resistência Popular do Morro Santana, Porto Alegre

-Centro de Educação e Formação Popular 1º de Maio, Porto Alegre

-Movimento dos Trabalhadores Desempregados

-Movimento dos Catadores de Material Reciclável

-Núcleo de Apoio ao Movimento dos Catadores

-Coletivo pela Universidade Popular de Porto Alegre

-Centro de Mídia Independente de Porto Alegre

-Diretório Central dos Estudantes da UFRGS

-Comitê de Resistência Popular de Gravataí

-Sindicato de Professores Municipais de Gravataí

-Sindicato Metalúrgicos Gravataí (grupo independente)

-Sindisprev Gravataí (grupo independente)

-Movimento por Moradia de Alvorada

-Rádio Comunitária Acácia, Alvorada

-Comitê de Resistência Popular da Santa Isabel, Viamão

-Pastoral da Juventude da Paróquia Santa Isabel, Viamão

-Grupo de Hip Hop Aparecida Rap, Santa Isabel, Viamão

-Sindicato dos Metalúrgicos (grupo independente), Caxias do Sul

Other states, Brazil

-Resistência Popular, SP

-Movimento de Luta Popular, SP

-Rádio Muda, Campinas, SP

-Resistência Popular, RJ

-Oficina de Ciências Sociais, RJ

-Pré-Vestibular Popular Apoio Mútuo, RJ

-Fórum de Luta pela Moradia Estudantil- UFF, RJ

-Movimento pela Universidade Popular, RJ, Brasil

-Coletivo pela Universidade Popular, MT, Brasil

-Núcleo de Apoio a Reforma Agrária, PA, Brasil

-Núcleo de Apoio a Reforma Urbana, PA, Brasil

Other countries

-Conselho Indígena Popular de Oaxaca, México

-Ateneus Populares, Uruguai

-ECOS - Cordinadora de Radios Comunitárias, Uruguai

-Sindicato dos Gráficos (grupo independente), Uruguai

-União de Trabalhadores Açucareiros de Artigas -UTAA, Uruguai

-Niboplast - Cooperativa Autogestionária, Uruguai

-Assemblea Popular de Alta Córdoba, Argentina

-Red Juvenil Tinku, Bolívia

-Centro de Medios Independientes Bolívia

-Centro de Medios Independientes Colômbia

-Centro de Medios Independientes Chile

-WOTAN - Rede de Ação Global de Worcester, EUA

Workshops confirmed:

Saturday afternoon will be dedicated to thematic workshops, that will
happen simultaneously. Check the confirmed workshops:

A) Community Communication. Organised by: Community Radios of Uruguay.

B) Housing. Experiences of homeless squats. Organised by: Resistance

C) Economic Alternatives. The Associations of Recyclable Waste

Organised by: Waste Collectors Movement - RS.

D) Education. Organised by: Collective for a Popular University of Porto

E) Strikes. Organised by: Independent Group of the Factory Workers Union
of Gravataí.

F) Graffiti. Organised by: Grupo Zombando.

G) People's Organization in city outskirts. Organised by: Committees of
People's Resistance.

H) Indigenous Resistance in the communities of the Consejo Indígena
Popular of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flores Magón",


The Committees of People's Resistance invite the other organizations that
participate in the meeting to form a block of the Autonomous People's
Organizations in the Marches that will take place during the World Social
Forum. The idea is to compose a block that participates actively in the
March, with each People's organization taking their banners, their own
war screams, drums and pots, to break with the passive habit that has
just following the car with loudspeakers. We also want to question the
mixture between political parties and social movements in the
manifestations, where the parties, having more structures, end up running
over the social movements, insinuating that they are the promoters of the
demonstrations. We want the social movements to be the protagonists.
Therefore our block will only allow flags and banners of people's

We will meet before at the place where the meeting will happen (at the DCE
of UFRGS: street: João Pessoa no. 41 - in front of the Praça Argentina -
In the centre of Porto Alegre).

23/01/03 - Inaugurational March "Against militarisation and the war:
another world is possible ". Meet at 16:00 at the DCE.

27/01/03 - Marches against the FTAA. Meet at 17:00 at the DCE.


The participants of the meeting should register their name and the
organization they belong to, as badges will be distributed to the
delegations. Try to register in advance by email cmi.poa@terra.com.br or
by telephone (51) 91621452."