Radical media, politics and culture.

Third day off the smokes

.... and some easing of the intense_feelings_of_physical_discomfort which caharcterised the initial fourty eight hours. For example, the involntary trembling of the thumb of my left hand has now abated, and my jaw no longer feels as if I'm coming down off three Es and in bad need of a spliff to *cane*.

Yesterday (yes, this is from a mail to n) What was a gentle redimensioning of my nicotine habit has now reached its logical conclusion: total abstinence. Somebody appears to have tied ropes around my shoulder and collar-bones, and subjects them to persistent strain. Further, I notice that I now have a tic between the ridge of my nose and my right eye and my left-hand thumb trembles. In addition strange noises emanate from my stomach where there also appear to be a gang of miniature interior designers/bio-engineers reorganizing something important. Itching and sweating too. all this feverish denial of temptation leaves me feeling smugly Nietzchean and more than a little catholic!