Radical media, politics and culture.

More Digital Rights Groups

Eurorights (whom I have never heard of)

Eff-Europe (as above so below, who are these people?

EFF Finland

Current is a magazine that I uncovered whilst researching financing of non-commercial media. Their site contains an archive of historical documents, really excellent regularly updated commentary and news stories and all the statistics which you need - well, at least those which are available i.e. not the pledge totals of the secretive fundamentalist bastards.

Now they've integrated blogger into the page too and are running external feeds, including an interesting story of division and deception at guess where.... that's right, Pacifica again. Seems that the current manager of KPFK/FM in Los Angeles painted her past as more sacharine than it if act may be.... and the story was taken from LA Indymedia.


Two interesting analyses of the Irish implementation of copyright as led by, as best I can tell, anticipation of the EUCD (since the Irish law was passed in 2000, and the EUCD is somewhat more recent than that). The pieces of interest are the papers by Prof. Robert Clark, who perhaps might not be a bad choice of speaker for some future LUG gathering. One of the more eye-opening comments in the second of his papers is that Irish legislation is, in effect, more draconian than the DMCA.


There are some other interesting pieces here, too, for anyone concerned about copyright and the like in Ireland.