Radical media, politics and culture.

International School for Bottom-up Organizing

International School for Bottom-up Organizing

The International School for Bottom-up Organizing (ISBO) had its first meeting in
October, 2008, with representatives from five countries present.

Ours is an international struggle that must be led by the poorest and
darkest, especially women. We all need the same freedom and equality; we
all have the same oppressors, worldwide. Our movement will work toward an
internationalist, egalitarian world. We foresee a world in which the genius
and creativity of humanity is unleashed, in which all humans share and
share alike, whether in starvation or in plenty: in which we are free to
love and truly take care of one another. We realize that the "haves" are a
ruthless enemy who will stop at nothing to keep their power and resources.
We see examples of their viciousness, violence and greed all around us all
the time. We will be prepared to fight fire with fire.

ISBO is focusing on creating and supporting organizing projects in the
Americas. Our projects aim at creating egalitarian prototypes in
communities of the most oppressed. On our website at
www.peoplesorganizing.org is the entire text of our book: The Bottom Will
Rise and Create a New World. Keep visiting this site to read reports and
see photos and videos about our organizing projects.
We welcome and need your input, ideas, criticisms and suggestions. Please
free free to contact us at bottomuporganizer@gmail.com.