Radical media, politics and culture.

Amy Goodman and Democracy Now! Rejected by Pacifica Radio

Bob Lederer writes: "Here's the latest info I've pieced together. Amy Goodman's live Democracy Now! program, broadcast today from a remote location for her safety and offered by high-quality phone line (ISDN) to Pacifica for uplink to its satellite, was rejected by Pacifica and not put on the satellite. Instead, Pacifica sent out an old re-run, which was played on all 5 Pacifica stations. Contrary to an earlier report, the new show was not run on any station anywhere. She has not yet been fired, but it appears that Pacifica management has told her she will not be on the air again until she returns to the station.

We must respond quickly:

1) Rally at the station tomorrow morning (Wed., 8/15) from 7:00-10:00 a.m., 120 Wall St. Demand the immediate reinstatement of live episodes of Democracy Now!

2) If you can join the round-the-clock vigil at the station, please do so at any time. It helps if folks can commit to at least a 2-hour stint--sign up at www.wbaiaction.org/action or call the hotline at 800-825-0055, leaving the time you're available and your phone no. If you want to drop by immediately and check that signs will be available, call Pete Korakis at (718) 278-3381. The camraderie is great, and the vigil is having a positive effect on producers and staff of all stripes.

3) Flood Pacifica and WBAI with calls of protest (phone nos. at end of this email).

4) Attend a meeting tonight of the Concerned Friends of WBAI Action & Outreach Committees to plan further actions. It's at 6:30 PM, at 74 Trinity Place,north of Rector, 2nd fl.
Parlor. Take the 1/9 or N/R to Rector St. or 4/5 to Wall St.

5) Stay tuned for updates to:
a) the email list you're reading now,
b) the WBAI Goodlights Message Board (www.goodlight.net/wbai -- then go to "WBAI Issues"),
c) (if your computer has a soundcard) the audio broadcasts on WBAI In Exile (www.wbix.org), which often provides up-to-the-minute coverage
d) the audio broadcasts live on KPFA (www.kpfa.org), particularly the Flashpoints program hosted by Dennis Bernstein and Noelle Hanrahan (which runs from 8-9 pm EASTERN time weekdays), and
e) the Concerned Friends Hotline, 800-825-0055.

The Pacifica Campaign will be putting out a bulletin later today with other phone nos. to call in protest. You can also check their website at www.pacificacampaign.org later on. Meanwhile, here are the latest reports."