Radical media, politics and culture.

World AIDS Day Virtual Memorial, December 1, 2002

Virtual Memorial for World AIDS Day, December 1, 2002

A Virtual Memorial Project against the Forgetting and for Humanity
virtual memorial

"Just Positive!" — Call for Entries

Deadline 20 November 2002

It is already a tradition, the month December on "A Virtual Memorial" is
dedicated to the victims of AIDS on occasion of 1st December — World AIDS
Day. This year, A Virtual Memorial would like to feature several "HIV positive"
artists in an online show, entitled: "Just Positive!"Artists of any discipline who are HIV positive are invited to submit
information and images about their artistic work or friends of them:
Please submit information/images of your positive friends!

It is intended to include all serious submissions, some selected artists
will be individually featured.

For submitting, please use this entry form:

*Artist Name

*First name



*Artistic descipline:

*Short biography (not more than 300 words, plain email text or .doc)

*Short artistic statement

(not more than 300 words, plain email text or .doc)

*Works/Images(.jpg/gif/mov/swf/dcr/mp3/URL)/year of origine






Deadline 20 November 2002!

Please send your submission including all
media files at best zipped to