Radical media, politics and culture.

Studies in Transversality: Militant Research London October 13-14

Studies in Transversality: Militant Research hosted by Micropolitics Research Group

Tuesday October 13th PUBLIC LECTURE by Colectivo Situaciones (Buenos Aires) 17.00 – 19.00 Ian Gulland Lecture Theatre, Goldsmiths College

Wednesday October 14th PUBLIC SEMINAR with A Traversad por la Cultura (Madrid), Colectivo Situaciones (Buenos Aires), Euromayday Hamburg, S.a.l.e. (Venice), Universidad Nomada (Barcelona), and many others. 14.00 – 19.00 RHB room 342 (in red brick main building), Goldsmiths College

Studies in Transversality is a series of encounters between researchers, cultural workers, and organisers who are concerned with the contexts and consequences of their practices beyond their respective fields of specialisation, and who wish to open new lines of subjectivation. This session is the first of the year and brings together the practices of Colectivo Situaciones (Argentina), and a number of groups who are researching and organising around questions of creative labour, knowledge production and contemporary social movements in the UK and Europe today. Working through the notion of militant research, the session aims to examine the separations between university based academic research, cultural workers, and activists, the reason why these separations exist, and to share the working methods of these groups.

About Militant Research Militant research is a concept-tool that works on the premise that all interpretation of the world is linked to some kind of action. Related to practices of co-research and institutional analysis, militant research proposes that all new knowledge production affects and modifies the bodies and subjectivities of those who have participated. Rather than use research as a tool to categorise and separate knowledge from practice, militant research operates transversally, becoming part of the process that organises relationships between bodies, knowledge, social practices and fields of action.

See Marta Malo de Molina’s two recent articles on militant research at: http://transform.eipcp.net/transversal/0406/malo/en#redir http://transform.eipcp.net/transversal/0707/malo/en

Colectivo Situaciones is a collective based in Buenos Aires. Emerging from Argentina’s radical student milieu in the mid 1990s, they have developed a long track record of intervention in Argentine social movements, including work with the unemployed workers’ movement of Solano, HIJOS, the organization of the children of the disappeared during the dictatorship and Creciendo Juntos, an alternative school run by militant teachers. Their books and pamphlets are dialogues with social movements, activists and many other groups, and explore the question of power, tactics of struggle, and how to think about revolution today. In addition to their publishing work, they are also working in a collectively run, alternative school. In a note printed on the back of many of their books, they describe their work as follows:

…we intend to offer an internal reading of struggles, a phenomenology and a genealogy, not an “objective” description. It is only in this way that thought assumes a creative, affirmative function, and stops being a mere reproduction of the present. And only in this fidelity with the immanence of thought is it a real, dynamic contribution.

For published texts in Spanish and English, see: http://www.situaciones.org http://transform.eipcp.net/transversal/0406/colectivosituaciones/en http://info.interactivist.net/node/5490, http://www.constituentimagination.net http://www.commoner.org.uk/index.php?p=15

About Micropolitics Research Group The Micropolitics Research Group investigates the forces and procedures that entangle artistic production and the flexible subjectivities of its producers into the fabric of late capitalism. Based primarily in London, the group carries out analysis of issues ranging from the production of subjectivity in creative work, diplomacy, institutional analysis, radical pedagogy and concrete situations of free labour, 'carrot work', and creative industry.

Directions: Goldsmiths College, University of London, Lewisham Way, New Cross SE14 6NW New Cross or New Cross Gate RAIL, or buses: 21, 53, 453, 171, 172, 36, 436 Directions and Campus Map: http://www.gold.ac.uk/find-us/ http://www.gold.ac.uk/media/campus-map.pdf

This event is supported by: London Centre for Arts and Cultural Exchange, Goldsmiths Department of Art Research Support Award, and Goldsmiths College Research and Knowledge Transfer Award