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La Sapienza University of Rome Occupied in Protest Against Privatization

La Sapienza University of Rome Occupied in Protest Against Privatization "University is not going to pay your crisis!!"

This morning in La Sapienza University of Rome has taken place a general assembly , participated in by over 10.000 students, asking the Director Luigi Frati to suspend lessons and the academic year as a protest against law 133, that will cause definitive privatization of italian university, massive job cuts and huge cuts of public foundings for research and education.

After the negative response of the Director, the students left the University Town for an unauthorized demonstration that blocked various main roads of Rome, directing itself to the Minister of Finance (that has the main responsibility of the Law 133). After half an hour of siege to the minister, which included a launch of eggs and shoutings like "the university is not going to pay your crisis!!", the massive demonstration started to move again through the city reaching the main railway station of Rome, Roma Termini. The station has been blocked for one hour, after some tension with the few cops that were following the demonstration.

Then everybody moved back to the University Town, where we held another assembly to decide the occupation of the Literature Faculty, and to prepare the general strike called from independent trade unions and social movements for tomorrow morning. The students from high schools, universities and even child schools (yes!) will partecipate to the demonstration. The partecipation and determination expressed by the students shows as the opposition to the annihilation of public university is strong in Rome and in all the other italian universities. Stay tuned on http://www.globalproject.info.