Radical media, politics and culture.

New Video Documents Washington DC Demos from April

jim writes "July 5, 2002





“United We Stand Against War: Voices for Peace and Justice”

New Video Documentary Release From Iconmedia

Austin, TX -- Iconmedia has produced a new video called “United We Stand
Against War: Voices for Peace and Justice” which documents a series of
national demonstrations and events in Washington, DC between April 19 and
22, 2002.

Nearly 100 voices are represented in the one-hour program, which covers the
April 19 Global Intifada Conference, the April 20 national anti-war march
and rally, the April 21 and 22 Colombia Mobilization festival and civil
disobedience action, and the April 22 demonstration against U.S. support for

Billed as a national march against Bush’s endless war on terrorism, the
April 20 demonstration -- which drew between 75,000 and 100,000 people -- also
ended up being the largest pro-Palestinian solidarity demonstration in U.S.

Iconmedia’s two-person team, award-winning videographers and Free Speech TV
reporters Pam Thompson and Stefan Wray, conducted interviews with a range of
people including students, union leaders, peace activists, global justice
advocates, constitutional attorneys, policy analysts, religious figures, and
retired workers - all of whom oppose the Bush administration’s approach to
combatting terrorism and long for a new direction in U.S. foreign policy

Among the people featured in the video are: Amy Goodman, Democracy Now;
Clarence Thomas, International Longshore and Warehouse Union; Darrell
Rogers, Students for a Sensible Drug Policy; Erica Smiley, Black Radical
Congress & National Youth and Student Peace Coalition; Gail Taylor, SOA
Watch; Javier Correa, Colombia’s National Food Workers Union; Kevin Martin,
Peace Action; Leah Harris, Jews for Peace; Mark Lance, SUSTAIN; Martin
Luther King III, Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Medea Benjamin,
Global Exchange Founding Director; Michael Ratner, Center for Constitutional
Rights; Njoki Njoroge Njehu, 50 Years is Enough Network; Peter Shaw,
Veterans for Peace; Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies; Rafeef
Ziadah, Sabra and Chatilla massacre survivor; Rania Masri, Institute for
Southern Studies; Rep. Janice D Schakowsky, U.S. House of Representatives;
Rev. Graylan Scott Hagler, United Church of Christ; Roberto Perez, President
U’WA Traditional Authority; Ron Daniels, Center for Constitutional Rights;
Sandra Alvarez, Global Exchange; Sanho Tree, Institute for Policy Studies;
Tariq Ali, Pakistani British Writer; Tony Murphy, A.N.S.W.E.R.; and Vernon
Bellecourt, American Indian Movement.

To order your VHS copy of “United We Stand Against War: Voices for Peace and
Justice” find details at http://www.iconmedia.org or simply send a note
indicating the title along with a minimum $20 donation in the form of a
check payable to “Iconmedia” to:


P.O. Box 716

Austin, TX 78767-0716

People are encouraged to schedule a local screening or broadcast “United We
Stand Against War: Voices for Peace and Justice” on cable access stations.

For more information, contact Iconmedia at info@iconmedia.org."