Radical media, politics and culture.


Indeed, under a regime of full employment, the "sack" would cease to play its role as a disciplinary measure. The social position of the boss would be undermined, and the self-assurance and class-consciousness of the working class would grow. Strikes for wage increases and improvements in conditions of work would create political tension.

Kalecki 1943, quoted in Henwood at 206


Les entreprises investissent jusqu'a 40% de leur chiffre d'affaires en marketing, publicite, styling design etc (dans l'industrie audio-visuelle americaine 50% du budget d'un film est investi dans sa promotion et son lancement). Ajourd hui les investissements dans la machine de l'expression peuvent largement depassert les investissements en. Lazzarato 231

"Those responsible for this new social critique share with the managers a culture of mobility, thev are opportunistic, capable of seizing any occasion, and function in networks. They are capable of monopolizing to their benefit the points of contact between networks, they amass heavily laden address-books without allowing others to benefit from them, they attribute to themselves responsibility for events to whose organization they have contributed..... they become entrepreneurs of themselves as recommended by the economists and the banks. Relations of exploitation become based upon differentials in mobility: the more one does, the more one is mobile, the more one is employable. Querrien, 258

"Do not think that one has to be sad in order to be militant, even though the thing one is fighting is abominable." Foucault, cited in Henwood, 2003, 185.

"Nobody likes playing the heavy and having to resort to litigation," said Cary Sherman, the RIAA's president. "But when your product is being regularly stolen, there comes a time when you have to take appropriate action.

We need to communicate the lacks and the excesses of our working and living situations in order to escape from the neoliberal fragmentation which separates and debilitates us, turning us into victims of fear, of exploitation or of the individualism of ‘each one for herself.’ But, above all, we want to make possible the collective construction of other lives through a shared creative struggle. Our insistence upon singularity we owe to our desire to not produce, once again, false homogeneities, without permitting that this insistence prevents us from saying anything at all.

Precarias a la derive

Le premier acte de tout changement politique, de toute transformation de la société, est un changement culturel. La première tâche, c'est la production de ce que Felix Guattari appelait la subjectivité: la création de nouvelles socialités qui ne soient fondées ni sur l'échange marchand ni sur la vente de la force de travail.


Un pas dans ce sens est que tout le monde puisse choisir sa forme de travail discontinu ou à temps très réduit tout en étant assuré d'un revenu suffisant. Cela existe en Europe du Nord. Les autoactivités en deviennent finalement prépondérantes. L'emploi du temps n'est plus le temps de l'emploi.

what? gorz

Bookchin wrote in 1977 (not about information) 'A century ago, scarcity had to be endured; today, it has to be enforced - hence the importance of the state in the present era'. oek

"...class composition - understood as the various forms of labour which arise when particular forms of labour-power are inserted in specific processes if production...... Wright, 49.

difference between scarcity and rivalry

Why a guaranteed income? i) Inability of growth to create full employment or even stabilize existing levels of unemployment.

ii) To break with the logic of productivism.

iii) But what about the New Slavery as Caffentzis calls it? Is work really going away?

- Vision of Ferry: equal sum for all but treated as a primary income and thus taxable.

voute - the vault refoulement - repression, driving back cautère - adjuvant - additive (= stimulant) stimulant pléthorique - [classes] overcrowded [documentation] excessive foisonnement - profusion; abundance defoulement - rterlease of tension, unwinding

slittamento - slipping, skidding, sliding, fall, postponement; constatare - to notice, note, observe; riecheggia - (vi) to re-echo; rimarcare - (vt) to remark, observe. tampone - tampon; (gen: Med) plug; (di cotone) wad; (per pulire una ferita) swab; (per stendere un liquido) pad; (cuscinetto, per timbri) ink-pad; (di carta assorbente) blotter; 2 (adj) provvedimento tampone, stopgap measure intanto - in the meantime purche - provided that espugnato - stormable inghiottire - swallow scossone - a shakeup/jolt ignavia -sloth, slothfulness bacino - area scalfire - to scratch, graze, nick, (fig.) affect escogitare - devise, contrive, concoct, think out marchingegno - contraption, contrivance, gadget


[1] http://www.marshallbrain.com/robotic-freedom.htm

[2] http://ask.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/07/24/1227209



Why Hackers Do What They Do: Understanding Motivation and Effort in Free/Open Source Software Projects http://opensource.mit.edu/papers/lakhaniwolf.pdf

Davenport & Beck Attention Economy

www.wireless.dk www.piratbyran.org

superflex http://ourproject.org Gustavo Duch de VSF