Radical media, politics and culture.

Putting paternity (and maternity) to rest

Christmas day begins in dehydration, stomach pains and the agonizing recall of the night before, its fragments layered over one another, incomplete, translucent. * * *

"Even if I was unaware that it was being defined in Paris at the same time, the concept of psychogeography came to me simultaneously. I have often noticed that when an idea germinates in the minds of several people who don't know each other, many are those who will claim paternity." Ralph Rumney, p.18.

This claim of ownership, in diametrical refutation of the social nature of knowledge, constitutes the 'mint' of the basic currency of cultural capital. Wikis and gpl thought can challenge that, documenting contribution, contestation, alternative paths, unexpected offspring. The crux of the matter is Wiki's versioning, its dynamic archival quality. The GPL aspect is but a list of the names of participants and contributors, each of whom can claim partial responsibility and prestige. This detail should massively encourage participation and propagation, as it eliminates caustic effects of jealously and unproductive rivalry.

December appears propitious to new endeavors and treats, as the delights of new york, the ferment of bologna, the splendor of Rome and my success in given up smoking all attest. Thus I have decided that it's not too late to learn something about Unix. So I started today and thrill at every tiny triumph with the command line....