Radical media, politics and culture.

Reading - Raoul Vaneigem Searching GIP

"In its original meaning, economy is the aart of managing one's home.. Our home is the earth. The least that one can say is that such management leaves something to be desired. And, save the ignorant, who would be surprised at it? Haven't men always given more attention to the fantastic heavenly organisation supposed to govern them than top their own existence." (19)

R. Vaneigem, Pour une internationale du genre humain, Le Cherche Midi, 1999.

Combining his hatred of the subjection of humanity to the economy -as organising agent, as arbitrator of social relations, as form, as generator of values - and religon, Vaneigme is back in style, inveighing against everything with that sense of hope and possibiloity that he alone has consistently nurtured. The attack on the nostalgic erection of preindustrial societies as utopian prototype is especially welcome, given the proliferation of ideas derivative from the 'Zerzan School'.

Intolérable : les prisons (– Le GIP enquête dans une prison modèle : Fleury-Mérogis)

Intolérable : les prisons (– Le GIP enquête dans vingt prisons)

« Manifeste du Groupe d'information sur les prisons », 8 février 1971, in Dits et écrits de Michel Foucault, tome 2 (1970-1975), Gallimard, 1994.

Brève histoire du groupe d'information sur les prisons (GIP) 1971-1972 Danielle RANCIERE